The Impact of a Just Neighbors Internship

To whom it may concern,

Just Neighbors has been an impactful opportunity for me. I am an immigrant myself. I grew up in an orphanage in Bolivia, where my parents worked as supervisors. I was surrounded by children and families with far different realities than mine. I was fortunate enough to have the privilege to obtain citizenship. I have experienced with my father the reality of being taken advantage of for being undocumented and attempting to pursue the American dream. Seeing that firsthand and experiencing obstacles, it became a passion of mine to serve my community and work towards eventually pursuing an immigration Law career.

During my time at Just Neighbors, I have had to do many intakes due to the demand for legal immigration assistance. I had the privilege to hear so many different stories from individuals who only want the opportunity to live a life away from prosecution, abuse, and corruption. I also learned that we can only do so much, but we dream of doing more due to capacity and demand. When allowed to translate for clients, it is hard to ask a person to tell us their trauma to build their case. It put me in a position to use my skills and create a safe space for the client. I have also learned many ways to translate documents and statements and question prospective clients. I learned more about how the legal process works for different immigration cases.

Although I have learned much, I have yet to learn and do more. Just Neighbors helps not only many families but also many students like me to fulfill their potential. I plan to continue as a volunteer and keep learning.


Sarah Jimenez-Rocha

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