We are thrilled to have two new board members: Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar and Jacqueline de los Ríos. Ricardo is a reporter with the Associated Press, where he currently focuses on health care. He and his wife, Myrta, have lived in Northern Virginia since 1985. For most of that time they have been members of Fairlington United Methodist Church. Ricardo was born in Havana, Cuba, and came with his family to the United States in 1966. Ricardo and Myrta have a son and daughter, both adults, and they are grandparents. Ricardo is pleased to focus on the direct services offered by Just Neighbors. He speaks Spanish as well as English.
Jacqueline is the Latino Ministries Program Director at Floris UMC. She has a degree in psychology. As an immigrant herself and a cancer survivor, Jacqueline has tremendous compassion for immigrants and for those who suffer with illness. Jacqueline is a native of Bolivia. A former client of Just Neighbors, Jacqueline obtained both a green card and U.S. citizenship with the assistance of Just Neighbors.