Our compassionate and talented attorneys and volunteers make it possible for immigrants and refugees to achieve their American dream through immigration legal services.


We foster enriching experiences and opportunities that enhance awareness and mutual understanding among our clients, volunteers, staff, and community.


We provide education on immigration law and legal rights, making it possible for the community to have nonpartisan and accessible information on the American immigration system.

Our Mission

The mission of Just Neighbors is to provide high-quality immigration legal services to low-income immigrants, asylees and refugees in Washington, DC, Maryland, and Virginia; and, to build community among clients, staff, volunteers and the larger society through education, advocacy, and volunteerism.

Escape domestic violence

Congress has created special visas for victims of domestic violence and violent crimes. Our attorneys can help eligible immigrants apply for these visas, helping them become independent of their abusers and start new lives.

Obtain U.S. Work Approval

Our attorneys and volunteers help immigrants who are eligible for protections like Temporary Protective Status (TPS) and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) obtain their work permits.

Unify Families

Immigrants often have to leave loved ones behind in their country of origin, or are at risk of being separated from their loved ones in the U.S. Just Neighbors helps clients navigate the immigration legal system to keep families united.

How can you help?

Volunteer with Just Neighbors!

Volunteers are essential to our ability to achieve our mission of providing immigration legal services to the low-income community, while also forging new bonds between immigrants and the larger Washington, DC, Maryland, and Virginia community in which they live. Just Neighbors entrusts volunteers with vital duties that include communicating with clients and potential clients, translation services and document preparation for clients, community outreach, and much more.

You can transform the lives of our immigrant and refugee neighbors

Donate today or monthly and make a difference


Just Neighbors staff and volunteers are honored to have worked with and assisted so many people and families in the Washington, DC, Maryland, and Virginia community. Here are some thoughts about Just Neighbors written by our former clients.


Since I got the information about Just Neighbors and called the number my life was completely changed. I was living here without my kids, I hadn’t seen them in eight years and now they are with me here. It has been a blessing in my life to have Just Neighbors, it has been a great help to me!”



“I am so appreciative; you are such special people in my life. And I believe that you have also helped so many people, I can’t give back anything since the person who give us everything is God. Wonderful big things will come back to you. [The people at Just Neighbors] are exceptional people, in all the visits I have come to Just Neighbors, they have always treated me better than lawyers in other places."



“Thanks to the help of Just Neighbors, me and my family are safer, and we have the possibility of better jobs. Thanks to Just Neighbors’ help we are together and are not afraid of being separated.”



“I want to tell you that you are always in my heart, and I will always remember you and the whole staff as Neighbors. . . . you are an angel to help all the people like us, who did not have any help. . . . I would like to thank you again so much for all your help with my immigration case. Last year in August I became an American citizen!"



“Thank you for helping us reunite our family, for giving us the opportunity to smile and receive a hug from our loved ones. . . . God grant you and everyone [at Just Neighbors] who have made this great work possible, great blessings and that the blessings extend to your families. Thank you from our family.”


Our Affiliations

Just Neighbors Blog

K-LOVE Interviews Just Neighbors

K-LOVE interviews Dominique, our Director of Legal Services. Jack Church from K-LOVE talks with Dominque Poirier, Director of Legal Services with Just Neighbors. Dominique talks about our work and the role it plays in the community. We also hear about what inspired Dominique to become a part of Just neighbors, and why Just Neighbors is […]
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Turning a Ceremony into Civic Engagement: Claudia’s First Vote

Our naturalization client, Claudia, was scheduled for a citizenship/oath ceremony on Friday, November 1st, in Fairfax, Virginia. She expected to register to vote at USCIS (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services) after the ceremony, but registration wasn’t offered. Fortunately, her Just Neighbors attorney, Eva Marie Carney, texted her on Saturday to make sure the oath ceremony […]
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Two young adults sitting and smiling in an office space, with their names and ages written at the bottom

Biruk and Hiyab Share Their Client Testimony: How Just Neighbors Helped Them

Hear Biruk and Hiyab Share How Just Neighbors Helped Them Obtain Asylum and A Green Card
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